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Vencor International, Inc.`s Subsidiary, GREENECCO, Reaches Milestone of 150 Subscriber Business Clients

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Vencor International, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: VCOR) today announced its wholly owned subsidiary, GREENECCO, has reached a milestone of 150 client-companies that have been approved for GREENECCO profiles. The profiled companies meet GREENECCO`s criteria for ongoing efforts in, and demonstrable commitments to, environmentally sustainable business practices.
The first companies will be showcased on a pilot test site by the end of February. The official main portal business site is being completed in partnership with the Reynolds Group and is scheduled for release at the end of May 2010.
The GREENECCO site gives profiled businesses the ability to promote their tangible actions and efforts in improving sustainable environmental practices. This listing brings together a growing network of companies sharing this commitment, providing a forum for visibility, promotion, and for B2B and retail resource networking throughout a broad range of industries. An additional benefit of subscription to the GREENECCO site is an active consulting and referral resource responding to specific GREENECCO profile member needs.
A limited sample of committed companies include SmartCar, Waste Management, 360 Vodka, The Organic Wine Company, O Burger, Colorado Yurt Company, and Tumbleweed Houses.
Revenue for GREENECCO will come from three primary sources: subscription, business participation and online referral traffic and will be immediate and active as the site is launched.
GREENECCO is a pioneering web site and business portal based on the belief that being `green` is an ongoing commitment to the positive awareness we share as stewards of our Earth and the responsibilities we have as businesses and as consumers to each other.
The GREENECCO commitment is to promote positive tangible action to make the world a better place for each other and our future generations and to provide a forum for businesses to promote and advance their real positive actions, results and commitments and join a community of likeminded businesses and consumers.
For more information about GREENECCO, please visit: www.vencorintl.com .

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Закладка добавлена 05.02.10 05:48 05.02.10 05:48 | Сохранена 0 раз 0 | 495 / 1 | Рейтинг этой закладки : 0 0

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